United States

DevRel & Open Source


131 members


United States of America

Founded in 2017, Bevy was purpose-built by the team behind Startup Grind to help companies build, grow, and scale their global customer communities. With chapters in more than 500 cities and 125 countries worldwide, Startup Grind is the most connected community of startups and entrepreneurs in the world; it remains one of Bevy’s many customers and its largest stakeholder. In 2019, Bevy acquired CMX, the world’s largest community professional organization. With the mission of helping community professionals thrive, CMX offers training, education, and networking opportunities that enable organizations and individuals to harness the power of community. The Bevy Virtual Community and the Bevy Virtual Conference platform were launched in 2020 to address the needs of both community and event marketing professionals, delivering significant business results for CMOs, community, field marketing, and corporate event teams looking to rebuild their marketing plans in a post-pandemic world.

Past events

Virtual Conference

Under the Hood of a Developer Community

Virtual Event

How To Build A Thriving Developer Community Vol III

Virtual Conference

How To Build A Thriving Developer Community Vol II

Virtual Conference

How To Build A Thriving Open Source Community

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