Under the Hood of a Developer Community

DevRel & Open Source

Nov 23, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

59 RSVPs

About this event

Join us on November 23 to take a peek under the hood of a developer community. The inner workings of a successful DevRel community are as mysterious as the mind of a developer. Having managed projects, programs, volunteers and communities at Google, our expert speaker will help demystify what it takes to succeed in DevRel .

Topics of Discussion:

  • What is development as a career?
  • Inside the mind of a developer: why developers need community
  • Example of successful DevRel community: Google
  • Tips and tricks for developer community professionals
  • Online events & communities 

Featured Presentation


  • Ilker Akansel

    ilkerakansel.com + ex-Google & Cisco

    Community Builder & Strategist, CMX Connect Host


  • Marsha Druker


    Senior Program Manager

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